Clay cards

The clay papers are made according to ancient decorative techniques learned in Africa, using materials from the territory of origin, primarily the clays of the calanchi. They are constructed by assembling tears, stratifications and reliefs free from preordained design intentions. The artist becomes the interpreter of a material rebirth through mixtures of clay, kaolins and pigments that on the previously prepared paper surface, generate ripples, undulations, scratches and roughness, giving it a sculptural value.

Painting and sculpture, abstraction and improvisation, matter, colour and gesture are the elements with which the singular artistic practice of the project called clay cards is developed.

The artist’s work has a strong informal, aniconic inclination, which rejects the rules of traditional representation, to explore the aesthetic and polysemic potential that nest in the completely autonomous matter that invades space and modifies its perception.

Carte d’argilla Processi

Carte d’argilla luoghi 3

Carte d’argilla carta-polvere-pigmenti 70x110cm.

Carte d’argilla polvere-carta-combustioni 140×90 cm.

Calanchi Baiso (RE)


Carte d’argilla Quingentole (MN) (1)

Carte d’argilla luoghi

Carte d’argilla luoghi 4

Carte d’argilla carta-polvere-combustioni 140×60 cm. 

Carte d’argilla polvere-carta-combustioni 70×100 cm.

Carte d’argilla dettagli (5)

Carte d’argilla Quingentole (MN) (2)

Vulcan (2)

Carte d’argilla luoghi 2

Carte d’argilla luoghi 5

Carte d’argilla carta-polvere-pigmenti 80x140cm.

Carte d’argilla carta-polvere-pigmenti 120cm.

Carte d’argilla dettagli (7)

Vulcan (1)