On line
The breath of this work ranges in a cosmic octagon, for its part, is delimited by a harmonic frame- cartouche of oriental tone on a square blue background. In the centre there is, just like a coin, the effigy of a human face, whose colourful cerebral cortex is connected to the myriad of large and small points that rotate inside the octagon, whose linking sides are strengthened thanks to the eyes of divine wisdom.
The graphic work is very similar to a vision of the Indian cosmogony but, in fact, it wants to represent the architecture of our brain mass, which is constantly interconnected between an inside and an outside, made of micro informative galaxies that dialogue with the human brain. Therefore, the man is the epicentre, the main actor of this new network Society followed by great geopolitical changes and
in which the different technologies converge more and more towards a highly integrated sociotechnical system in which the traditional boundaries fade.
It is a very exciting context in which the most urgent request is to create an identity online. Nowadays, social media are seen as social spaces alongside conventional socialisation spaces, as a result, online identity always refers to that offline. As Shirley Turkle argues, the media are environments in which we can find new solutions to our inner conflicts, for example by creating an Avatar. By using the expression “together but alone”, Tarkle also makes us think of the illusion that can occur when we feel we are in good company, but actually we are alone. Moreover, if we consider the fact that online we can satisfy all our needs, the inability to interact in more complex situations is a direct consequence.
It is also interesting to define social media as connected spectators and not as a community, precisely because of a different relational quality: connected spectators are characterised by an invisible audience; the contexts are contaminated, therefore, in the same platform we are in contact with friends, employers, family members, hence a very multifaceted identity; finally, there is no clear separation between scene and backstage. The result is an identity considered as a brand, that is, the need to distinguish yourself. Indeed, personal branding consists in creating an aura of credibility through a real web reputation so that through words and images we are committed to building and quantifying our self.
A digital identity guarded by big data thanks to which, web companies develop their own business. Thus the cosmic geography in which man lies at the centre is recomposed. However, he is surrounded by big watchful and inquiring eyes where the harmonic spheres of knowledge dance ahead of them.