Microaction Migrations

Migrazioni di Microazioni is an interdisciplinary artistic project, conceived by Giuliano Ravazzini and made executive by a community, whose poetics is to plant seeds or plants preferably in important or significant places (gardens, museums, squares and monuments).

The idea that the artist experiments for the first time at the Mart in Rovereto on December 15, 2006 involving some curators, is the first action of the cycle. The chicory seeds abundantly scattered in the gardens of the museum mark the start of this performative operation.

From that date, in fact, an uninterrupted series of sowings spread throughout the planet, permanent or semi-permanent, begins

authorized or clandestine, supported by a network of people who, remaining faithful to the poetics of the project, have carried out their micro-action in the places where they live or have visited.

Thus the seeds of various plant species, mainly a mixture of chicory, arrive transported to every corner of the earth.

This interesting and arbitrary process is producing a notable archive that documents the individual experiences whose peak is reached when the seed is planted, a gesture that becomes a collective action for which the initial poetics becomes ethics expressed with a seed, a minimal unit that contains all the potential of life.

Bologna MdM 2007

Kassel Migrazioni di Microazioni 2007 (1)

Mosca MdM 2007

Zabriskie Pt. MdM 2007

Venezia Biennale 2007

Rovereto Mart Migrazioni di Microazioni 2007

Miscuglio di cicorie MdM

Barcellona Miscuglio di cicorie MdM 2007 (2)

Quartetto per un filo d’erba Orto Kit 2009

Torino Lingotto Put one seed 2009

MdM Kiew Piazza Maidan 2014 (3)

Cesena Ecoistituto Tecnologie Appropriate MdM 2008

Migrazioni di Microazioni

Caserta 2007

Kassel Migrazioni di Microazioni 2007 (2)

Oslo MdM 2007

Vilnius MdM 2007

St.Moritz MdM 2007

Portofino Castello Brown Put one seed 2009

Smirne Kulturpark Migrazioni di Microazioni 2011

Biennale Venezia 2009 Put one seed

Museion Bolzano Migrazioni di Microazioni 2009

MdM Kiew Piazza Maidan 2014 (1)

Giuliano Ravazzini Gianfranco Zavalloni Libereso Guglielmi Pia Pera Migrazioni di Microazioni 2008

Barcellona Miscuglio di cicorie MdM 2007

Kassel Migrazioni di Microazioni 2007 (3)

Strasburgo MdM 2007

San Pietroburgo MdM 2007

Passo del Cerreto MdM 2007

Reggio Emilia MdM KM 129

Ghoeteanum Dornach Migrazioni di Microazioni 2011

Reggio Emilia La Villa Seed storm 2009

MdM Kiew Piazza Maidan 2014 (2)

MdM Kiew Piazza Maidan 2014 (4)

Istambul Migrazioni di Microazioni